Stellar Connection Board - Mesa Conexão Estelar®️ is a tool whose main function is the energetic calibration of people, animals, plants and environments through archetypical tools moving all subtle energies toward a very clear purpose.
It was channelled to Thyago Avelino and Fábio Dantas under the special command of the Ascended Master Seraphis Bey and Archangel Michael under the amorous guidance of the Interestelar guidance of Father Damiao and associated egregore. Thyago and Fabio are the formal leaders of 'Águas de Aruanda Spiritual Training Center' in Aracaju, SE, Brazil, committed to carrying out projects towards the 'New Earth' mindset of the Regeneration Planet Earth to be.
The Stellar Connection Board (Mesa Conexão Estelar®️) activation is performed using a pendulum, through specific and strong commands, aligning it with the vibrational waves through the ancient Merkabah system, under the protection of the Portal of the seven potentialities and their guardians with the purpose of calibrating consciousness in its subtle outspreads.
It includes knowledge of alchemy, numerology, mental reprogramming, universal laws, crystal therapy, floral therapy, aromatherapy, quantum physics, sacred geometry, aromatherapy and others, working on the subtle energies influencing your mental, energetic, spiritual and emotional fields, that in the end point impacts your physical body.